I FINALLY found time to read Vanessa Wood's book "bonobo handshake" a few weeks ago. I posted about the book and Vanessa and Brian Hare's work with bonobos HERE and HERE and knowing Vanessa and her hysterical yet informative writing style I knew I would love it. I am so happy to say that the book is AMAZING! Anyone who has worked in a developing and war-torn country I am sure will really enjoy it. Its not only about bonobos, research and conservation as you might expect. Vanessa writes about the doubts and fears a "city girl" experiences working under these conditions. Its about love and relationships and there is also the perfect amount of information on the history of conflict in DRC and its neighbouring countries. The book is beyond charming and I cannot recommend it enough. I am sure anyone who reads this blog would really enjoy it. - MA

“Bonobos” will hit french cinema screens on the 6th of April 2011
From the Lola Ya bonobo blog on wildlife direct
Alain Tixier and his team came back to Lola to shoot the last sequences for the cinema documentary film “BONOBOS”. The adventure started over two years ago and the film will finally be released on the big screen next spring… in 3D! A few more pics can be seen on the blog
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